

Thursday, September 30, 2010

the end of an era

You can cry
Or try feeling happy.
You can smile,
But you cannot forget.
You may want to see him again,
Feel his touch...
His warm hands.

Sadness and hate.
These are the words.
These are the things you feel
Ans death is the thing you need.
You've already tried,
To learn to forget,
But nothing is working,
Not even death.
You watch the day go by,
You see all the lovely birds fly.
You know they are going
To a better place,
So you try it too
But you remember his face.
It's keeping you here,
Allthough you are hurt.
You're feeling don't care,
But your love does worth.

Somehow he feels you,
He knows you're still there.
He might not call,
But he takes care.
He's looking
For that feeling too,
He's looking for a shoulder
To lean on to.

He wants you back.
That's the result.
That's the end of a era,
You thought it was your fault.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ai avut si tu un vis...

Ai sperat a ta sa fiu..
Sa ne iubim,
Sa ne-mplinim.
Ai asteptat o viata-ntreaga
Ai asteptat ceasul sa treaca.
M-ai avut e-adevarat
M-ai ai sperat..
Ai sperat sa fim doar noi
Sa mutam muntii
Sa fim doar amandoi.
Dar singur te-ai inselat,
Caci atunci cand m-ai avut
Un mic copil...
Un gand pueril...
Al tau suflet ti-ai pierdut.
Eu am ras...
Tu m-ai iubit...
Acum plang...
Caci ai murit.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mi-e frig.
Nu imi mai simt mainile.
Sunt moarta.
Sunt singura?
Nu pot deschide ochii
Nu am putere.
Nu am puls.
Dar nu ma aude nimeni.
Vreau sa ma trezesc.
Daca pot..
Nu pot.
Durere sfasietoare!
Ard in bratele mortii.
Curma-mi viata!
Da-mi drumul!
"Te-ai sinucis"
imi spune..
Te inseli!
Eu nu vreau sa mor
Vreau sa visez!
Vreau sa pot sa sper..

Imi amintesc...
Am cautat o viata mai buna..
Asa este..
Dar m-am pricopsit cu tine de mana!
Da-mi drumul!
Nu este ce am visat....
Ce am sperat....
Sunt singura acum!
Si doar o mana ce ma trage-n jos...
Nu e corect!
Nu pot pleca fara sa las ceva in scris!
"Am scris eu pentru tine...
Am scris...
Ca te-ai sinucis".


Renunt la tot
Renunt la tine
Si la noi.
Am sa caut alt inceput
Pentru o poveste de demult
Am sa caut si-un alt sfarsit
Poate va fi mai bine primit.

Am sa schimb tot ce se poate
Si pe tine de voi vrea...
Pentru ca...
Pentru ca e viata mea!

Voi zbura pana la tine
Sa imi aduc aminte
Cum eram odata
Sigura fata...

Crezi ca va durea
Cand vei spune adio?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Suicidal soul

I am scared
and lost in this dark night
i am lonely
and i'm cold.
i have searched for something..
but no one wants to help me through

all i can taste
is pure blood
pure revenge.
it felt so good to take a bite
to feel my huner from inside..
i will never let you see
the stranger that truly
lies in me..
so just forget it all
and hold it all inside
because tonghit will be the night
i will regret i've suicede